Invitation For "Dimensions for Diagnosis®", Mar-2025
Theme: Techniques, Tricks and Tips in Fetal & Embryonic 3D / 4D
21-22-23 March, 2025 At Hotel Indana Palace, Jodhpur(Raj.)
Welcome to Dimensions for Diagnosis® "TECHNIQUES, TRICKS AND TIPS IN FETAL & EMBRYONIC 3D / 4D" Program. This is first of it's kind 3D/4D program in India by some of the world's
best 3D/4D specialists. Course will run from 21st mar 2025 morning to 23rd mar 2025 afternoon and will be more than 20 hrs teaching, including
didactic lectures, demonstration of 3D/4D stored cases on machines in the hall, hands-on 3D/4D training on 4D-view and
hands-on training on 8-10 sonography machines. 4D view software will be loaded on your own laptops. Case volumes will be provided to all delegates so that they can practice in their spare time after conference.
This is going to be mid and high level cutting edge 3D/4D program suitable for all
those doctors who know basics of 3D/4D ultrasound. This program will cover whole gamut of TECHNIQUES, TRICKS AND TIPS IN FETAL & EMBRYONIC 3D / 4D in pregnant patients.
Dr.Bernard Benoit
Dr.Ashok Khurana
Dr.Alok Varshney
Hurry up, 70 seats only.
The Organising Committee of "Dimensions for Diagnosis®"
- Organising President - Dr. Ashok Khurana
- Organising Secretary - Dr. Sunil Mehta
- Treasurer - Dr. Rakhi Mehta
2/17/2025 10:10:36 AM